Carlos J. Rangel (foto: Mark Comstock)
This is Carlos J. Rangel third book. His first one, Campaign Journal 2008: A Chronicle of Vision, Hope, and Glory (2009, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick), was described by the Chairman and Editorial Director of the publishing house at Rutgers University, Dr. Irving Horowitz, as better by far than the two reviewed by The New York Times at that time on the subject matter. Among the many favorable comments received on this book, one was written by former president Jimmy Carter. The book is available through its publisher, Routledge, or at Amazon.
His second book, titled La Venezuela imposible: Crónicas y reflexiones sobre democracia y libertad (2017, Alexandria Library, Miami), was at its time of publication among the top fifty titles sold in its topic category on Amazon. Among the comments stands out one written by the leading intellectual personality Carlos Alberto Montaner, describing the book as “valuable, clearly written, and with no useless passion.”  Available at Amazon.
Rangel was editor for the new online editions published by CEDICE Libertad of the three major works of his father, the political analyst Carlos Rangel. CEDICE Libertad is a think tank centered around studies on liberal democracy located in Caracas, Venezuela. He collaborated on a Working Paper for the Interamerican Institute for Democracy (IID, Miami) on Transnational Organized Crime (TOC), which led him to be invited by a distinguished personality to collaborate on a chapter of a forthcoming book on the present and future relationship between TOC and Artificial intelligence, its implications, responses, and potential countermeasures. 

As an advocate for social renewal and opportunity, he is an occasional guest of TV and other media, was a frequent collaborator of the Miami-based Inter-American Institute for Democracy, IID, and is engaged in civic activities for the city in which he resides, Coral Springs, FL. 

Mr. Rangel has degrees from Pratt Institute (NYC), Universidad Central de Venezuela, UCV (Caracas), Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración, IESA (Caracas), and University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA (Los Angeles), and Certification in Stategic Planning, also from UCLA.

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